Good News: Planning Commission DENIES Developer’s Appeal
On Tuesday, October 8 at 7pm at Hesse Park, the Planning Commission held a special meeting to discuss the Developer’s appeal to the City’s ruling about his application. Supporters of Neighborhood Voices of Silver Spur attended and wore RED. Many thanks to all the speakers who shared their unique perspectives.
In a unanimous decision, the RPV Planning Commission denied the developers appeal of the City's determination that he does not qualify for the Builder's Remedy law (SB 330) entitlement or an expedited review of his project (SB 35) entitlement.
This is step one of a multi-step process. The developer can appeal this decision to the City Council in the next 15 days.
If he loses his appeal to the City Council, then he has to sue the City and win in court to get these entitlements.
More details to follow...
There were 10 speakers who spoke against the appeal. This is a clip from Mike’s Speech.